Do you want our world leaders to move towards a true-cost global marketplace in which the price of every product tells the ecological truth?



One Swipe, One Truth

We use the universal
UPC code to automatically
adjust product prices to
tell the ecological truth

“Try electric cars, try carbon taxes, try a veggie burger,” cry the Green New Dealers, the think-tankers and policy-wonkers.

But that’s exactly what’s not going to work.

We don’t have time to fiddle-fuck around in the margins with tiny, trickle-charge gains here and there. We need one almighty idea to get us out of our existential fix we’re in.

We float the True-Cost metameme. Tell your friends, family, comrades and co-conspirators about this moonshot idea. LINK HERE Confront the lions of the environmental movement with it. Ask them straight up: “Why can’t a move towards a true-cost global marketplace, in which the price of every product tells the ecological truth, work?!”

Revolutionary ideas always face stubborn resistance. But over the coming months, let’s give this one a go. Let’s put the True-Cost metameme out there for the world to wrestle with. Let’s get Adam Smith’s invisible hand to work for us instead of against us.

Dive deeper.

Join us.