
Hey all you wild hearts out there,

Let's set the tone for the next four years.

Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, raise your middle finger in a global gesture of defiance.

Do it because he calls climate change a hoax.

Because he continues to spread the big lie.

Because he mismanaged the Covid crisis.

Because he gifted the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem to Israel.

Because you don't want his finger on the nuclear button.

Or do it just because he's a low-life pussy grabber unfit to lead a nation.

Let your fury flow … and irrigate dreams of a better tomorrow.

I passed a guy the other day, maybe 16, 17 years old. And as he got a little ways down the street I heard him holler at the top of his lungs: “I hate my fucking life and everyone in it!” (I guess that included the defeated-looking woman I took to be his mom, who was walking 20feet behind him.)

I felt sorry for this kid, and I hope he gets help. But I also found myself giving him a little private salute. At least he’s facing it. Bellowing his sad truth to the heavens must have felt like a bit of liberation.

Who hasn’t felt a hint of that existential frustration? Maybe you even feel it now. Like: Really? This is the life I have settled for? Starbucks, Safeway, smokeshop, home. Bang, bang, bang, marching to the drumbeat of capitalism.

In the car you catch the news that the UN has declared a “red-alert emergency” for humanity. The seas are going to rise for two thousand years and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it.

And now you feel the stakes suddenly spike. You feel the cost of repeating another day of your life like this pre-programmed puppet . . .sleepwalking through this bad dream that isn’t even your own.


What Happens When AI Completely Decodes and Synthesizes Reality?

As we realize A.I. can do what we do, better — and for free — we’ll experience a kind of false dawn of euphoria. It steps up, and we happily step back.

Students stop writing essays. Job seekers stop writing resumes. Designers use MidJourney to create book covers. All life’s gruntwork is over, and the finished product isn’t suffering at all. Hallelujah!

But here’s the deal we can’t quite grasp: Bit by bit we humans lose our skills ... our agency ... our creative spark ...

This is how a slave’s dependence on a master evolves: slowly and then quickly. At a certain point you realize you are no longer making your own decisions, but you don’t particularly care, because in a strange way it’s easier this way.

Just west of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan stands the Crooked Grove, a stand of aspen trees that, for reasons scientists don't fully understand, all grow gnarled and deformed.

The trees start out straight but then bend, eventually curling so far out of the sunlight that they begin to die. At which point new shoots spring out from the trunk and start growing in a different direction.

The new generation wants to live, despite its parents' crooked ways.

—Harry Flood

Zen and Punk:
A Path to Authentic Revolution

While punk emerged as a reaction to the hippie movement of the 1960s, it has faced its own challenges in maintaining its revolutionary spirit. The commercialization of punk rock and the descent into mere escapism through drugs and loud music have buried the movement's original principles. However, Zen philosophy offers a powerful framework for revitalizing punk's core values.

The Convergence of Zen and Punk Ethics

At first glance, Zen's emphasis on silence and punk's loud rebellion might seem contradictory. Yet both share fundamental values: authenticity, rejection of materialism, and the importance of direct action over empty talk. As Zen teaches, "The more you talk about it, the less you understand" - a principle that aligns perfectly with punk's emphasis on action over rhetoric.

Beyond Nihilism: Zen as a Tool for Punk Revival

While many punks have fallen into cynical nihilism, Zen offers a way to maintain rebellion while finding deeper meaning. Instead of numbing oneself with substances and noise, Zen's practices of mindfulness and meditation provide tools for facing society's problems with clarity and purpose.

Send us your middle finger here




The easy thing to do right now is pick a side. To let darkness get me all stirred up, convince me I know who’s right, put up my dukes and deny the humanity of the wrongdoer. But isn’t this line of thinking what leads to all bloodshed?

I’ve done too much wrong myself to be playing this game. How can I make these kind of judgments without weighing my own actions on the same scales?

I am trying to live a different way. One where, even if I find it difficult, I don’t just love my neighbors, I love my enemies, too.

Love is the ultimate revolutionary act — a beautiful paradox. Though it always protects, it does not dishonor others. Though it keeps no record of wrong, it also doesn’t delight in evil. Though it delights in truth, it is also slow to anger. Love is not the feeling TV, movies, or romance novels are selling. That’s just passion, and passion doesn’t last.

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