Mindbombs broadcast directly in the belly of the beast

could reach millions in seconds!

Mindbombs broadcast directly in the belly of the beast could reach millions in 30 seconds!

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Our target: CBC

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Our target: CBC

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How the funds will be used

90% of the funds will be used to buy airtime, 10% to cover our costs.

Adbusters will use your donations to purchase ads on major television networks, such as the CBC, CNN, Fox, etc. The ad with the most donations may not be the ad we air, as your donations mark your preferences, Adbusters retains the final say on ad selection and platform. We may also use your donations to make these ads go viral on the internet. A modest portion of your donation may go toward the production of the ads and any admin that may be involved. We may also purchase a variety of smaller ads with any remainder. No matter what your donations will help us win the planetary endgame.
Contributions made to Adbusters fundraiser are not deductible for income tax purposes as charitable contributions. Adbusters isn't a tax-exempt organization.