AI Profiles Modi

As Prime Minister, I have spoken of a new India, a healthy India, and one where the healing power of yoga and prayers are the way. I am certain of my faith in my people and I am sure of my faith in my goals. I know that by ending corruption, curbing communal violence, rooting out dynasties and restoring India’s lost greatness in science and technology, I can build an India that all our generations would be proud of and proud to be part of. Let this be a people’s movement for this cause and let the Bharatiya Janata Party and I lead this endeavour. Take heart. Let this be the dawn of a great Indian renaissance, a path towards peace, happiness, prosperity, wellness, healthy minds and healthy bodies. May the BJP be seen as a beacon for other secular, democratic parties to follow in their ideal ways. Let BJP have the moral obligation of leading India, only then will we be able to break this modern delusion and nurture together a new destiny for India.
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